For a few years now, searching for a job is not an easy task for many, especially if companies put more obstacles in their way than they should. If you are looking for work, it is important to know that certain practices are illegal, like the one we tell you about below.
In our country at the moment there are almost 3 million unemployed, the majority in search of a job with which to survive and be able to live comfortably. There are some who try to get the job of their dreams, while many others settle for whatever. Technology at this time can be very helpful to us thanks to different platforms and social networks, for example, that help us search for work. This is the case of LinkedInone of the most well-known and used platforms of this type.
But it is also true that companies sometimes do not make things easy and even engage in illegal actions when it comes to finding the workers that interest them most. In fact, and based on a study carried out by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, it has been detected that many of these companies discriminate against unemployed people.
This is a filter that certain corporations that are looking for new workers incorporate into their selection process to focus only on professionals who have a job at that moment. Well, we must keep in mind that this discrimination that we are telling you about is illegal.
Companies use AI to eliminate unemployed people
At the same time, it is striking that certain Artificial Intelligence platforms are used to establish these filters that we are talking about. These AI technologies are implemented in order to automatically screen out unemployed people in the selection processes that we tell you about.
However, we must know that based on Law 15/2022 for equal treatment and non-discrimination, these practices are illegal. And not only that, since apart from unemployed people, the aforementioned filters also discard certain demographic sectors such as people over 45 years oldFor example.
And it is precisely there that the experts who have detected this type of movements by certain companies are requesting a review of the Employment Law of 2023. What is specifically requested is that the explicit rule be included that unemployed people cannot be discriminated against by companies looking for workers.
With all this, the only thing that is requested is equality when carrying out these tasks of selecting new workers if they are suitably prepared. Your age or employment status at that time should have no influence at all, something that of course directly affects the long- or short-term unemployed. Thus, what is intended is to protect people from certain demographic sectors and give the same opportunities to all those who do not have a job at the moment.
It must be taken into account that thanks to certain technologies like AIthis automated discrimination is becoming easier for certain companies.