Mainly due to the enormous amount of content on video streaming platforms, sometimes we don’t even know what to choose to watch. To this we must add the different alternatives to which we sometimes subscribe such as Netflix, Disney+ or Prime Video.
Right now we have so many movies and series to choose from that we don’t know where to start. Hence, some of these platforms, such as the aforementioned Netflix, once offered us an interesting help function. Specifically, we are referring to a feature that helped us choose thanks to its random proposals.
This way we didn’t have to think too hard when choosing new content to have a good time of entertainment. However, that is a functionality that the platform decided to remove for whatever reason. This is a feature that I personally miss a lot and I’m sure the same thing happens to many of you.
Hence precisely why below I will tell you how to return it, or at least use it in a similar way, from this moment on. And for some time now, many of you have missed the so-called Netflix random button. To do this, we are going to use a website especially dedicated to these tasks and provide us with random content to watch on Netflix.
This is the platform called ReelGood Roulette which you can access from your browser through this link. It is also worth noting that we have the possibility of using this same web application to locate random content from other steaming platforms. Here are some well-known ones such as Disney+ or Maxamong other.
How do I configure ReelGood to choose Netflix movies and series
At first we are faced with a simple user interface in which we can customize some parameters for the random selection. For example, from here we have the possibility of customizing elements such as the genre, type or classification of the video content. From there ReelGood It starts up to offer us a series or movie that we can play next.
What’s more, we will even have the possibility of narrowing down the search in case we want to watch a movie or series more. It is striking that one of the parameters that we can configure on this platform is the minimum IMDB rating of the video content we want to see. This way we can filter the results so that they only show us the best rated by users from all over the world.
Once the different configuration options have been established, if we wish to do so, we only need to click on the Spin button.
Therefore, depending on the moment of the circumstances in which we find ourselves, we can filter the random search for movies or series as much as possible. What there is no doubt is that this is an excellent alternative option to the missing random search button which includes Netflix itself. And as we mentioned before, we can also use these parameters to randomly locate videos from other streaming platforms.