The truth is that in the middle of 2024 and for some time now this is a way like any other, any way for users from all over the world to make a living. Of course, we must keep in mind that having some success in networks like Instagram or the aforementioned TikTok, is not at all simple. And the competition is increasingly fierce and the content of the rest, in many cases, is enviable.
Hence we must be original and put in the hours, something essential to succeed as digital content creators. We have already mentioned that one of the most used and popular proposals today is TikTok, a social network focused on video content.
How much does a creator earn from their TikTok videos?
Furthermore, and to be able to live solely and exclusively from the content that we create for this type of digital platforms, we must have many followers. And that takes a while, for no one to think, unless you are a celebrity, that it is enough to have a good idea and be original. Most likely, we will need years to start making the work we are going to dedicate profitable.
Perhaps many of you have considered on more than one occasion getting good money from the aforementioned social video network. Well, with regard to the visits our content receives, for example, we must take into account that in our country TikTok pays around 3 cents per 1,000 views. That is, this means that to receive 3 euros of profit, that content must have 100,000 views. Many of you who regularly publish video content here know that this is not easy.
Furthermore, these are figures that we should reach and of course surpass, by far, in a good part of our publications. From there we could start thinking about making a profit and living off our TikTok account. And not only that, since to receive this money you must meet a series of conditions that we explain below:
- Be of age.
- Have a minimum of 10,000 followers.
- Have at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days.
Other ways to monetize your social network account
It is clear that these profits offered by the social network itself for number of views to its content creators is quite low. Hence, those who want to make their account substantially profitable should look for other outlets such as the ones we mention below.
Creator Fund. Here we are talking about a fund that is expected to reach several hundred million euros for the best content creators on the platform. It was generated for European creators, but it must be taken into account that in our country it disappeared last February.
Product Affiliate Program. Many TikTokers use affiliate links to certain products as a promotion to earn money. Those followers who use our own affiliate link will cause us to receive a certain commission from the manufacturers. That is a percentage that each content creator negotiates for his account.
Earn money with sponsors. There are also brands interested in collaborating with certain content creators on the platform. These collaborations involve the creation of sponsored videos where, among other things, its products are promoted in a creative way. This is a good source of monetization, but obviously for the brand to notice us, we must have a good number of followers.
Gifts from followers. TikTok allows users to send gifts to creators during their live streams. Once the creator receives enough gifts, TikTok rewards them and they can exchange them for cash. The platform keeps half of the credits received.